It was named “America’s Scariest Motel” due to its clown theme and proximity to the Old Tonopah Cemetery. Many people are terrified of the Clown Motel. Some of the murals in the rooms are sure to give guests nightmares. But don’t worry, there are also “happy clowns”, especially in the lobby. People from all over the world send clowns to the Clown Motel and the collection now numbers 2,050!

Make sure you grab a Tonopah Old Cemetery Walking Tour Brochure from the office and explore the cemetery while you are at it.
The front entrance of the Clown Motel in Tonopah Nevada
WHILE NEVADA’S CLOWN MOTEL MAY seem like the product of a horror writer’s fevered imagination with its army of glassy-eyed clown dolls and convenient proximity to a Wild West cemetery that holds the (possibly unquiet) remains of local miners, the dusty little lodging is just a fan of merriment. They swear.
Catering to bikers, truckers, and other long haul travelers who find themselves off the beaten path, the Clown Motel is the final port of call before yet another stretch of unbroken Nevada desert. It must be this location’s oasis-like location that has kept the establishment in business for so long, as the ever-watchful eyes of the ubiquitous clown figurines seem to serve more as a warning than a draw. From the moment travelers enter the adjoining offices they are greeted by a life-size clown figure sitting in a chair, cradling smaller figurines like familiars. In fact the entire office is covered in shelves and bookcases full of clown dolls, statues, and accouterment of every stripe. Stuffed animals, porcelain statues, wall hangings, and more make up the mirthful menagerie, staring down at guests from every angle.
Leaving the office with key in hand, visitors might also notice an arch just feet away heralding the “Tonopah Cemetery.” Just beyond the gate is a century-old miner’s graveyard made up of a gaggle of wood and stone markers, the very Platonic ideal of a haunted cemetery.
Remarkably, there do not seem to be many extant stories, horror or otherwise, surrounding the Clown Motel. It’s possible that this paucity of history is because it simply arose, fully-formed from the dark parts of the American subconscious, or it could also be because no one has made it out alive.
One of prospector Jim Butler’s animals had wandered off during the night and sought shelter near a rock outcropping. When Butler located the burro the next morning and picked up a rock to throw at the animal, he noticed the rock was exceptionally heavy—that rock turned out to be from the second richest silver strike in Nevada history.
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